Thursday, May 29, 2008

My Sweet Grandmother

My sweet great grandmother passed away this morning and I am a bit nostalgic and weepy this morning. I kind of wanted to write a bit about her and what she meant to me, so if you are this far and are vomiting in your mouth stop reading now.

Karma lived in Ogden, in the cutest little duplex, the entirety of my life. I remember going over there and helping with puzzles that lay on her coffee table, then pasting them onto cardboard and finding any space on a wall in her cement basement. There must have been over a hundred puzzles hanging on the walls. Then we would turn on the record player and put I Don't Want a Ricochet Romance on so it filled the basement and our ears. While one of us was on the little dancing board the other of my sisters would sing and laugh and dance around. After complete exhaustion we would gather some ice cream out of her deep freezer and sit outside and listen to the creek as we ate.

Snake weed grows in the creek and so we would have boat races down it to see whose hit the drain first. We also would get in it and float down when we were still small and the water seemed so deep. And every week a man would come and clean out the drain and pile the wreckage on the cement beside it. It was fascinating to watch.

Grandma had a huge doll collection which included not only porcelain dolls but classics like Marilyn Monroe, Elvis, and even Mr. T. We were allowed to play with some of them but only with Karma looking on and if we put them back in her doll cabinet. In that same room was an organ that you could run a song through and it would light up the keys when you were suppose to push certain note. The faster you pushed, the faster the accompaniment would go, so it would speed up and slow down. I thought I was pretty hot stuff and would make my grandmothers listen from the other room as I whipped my way through the entirety of her music library.

Until today I had two great grandmothers living and all my grandparents. No death has immediately effected me and so I am a novice at this. I miss her greatly already and its silly because I only saw her on occasion. One thing it does though, is make me appreciate the time I have with the ones I love, so cliche, and yet so true. The big picture always becomes more focused when such events happen, and living life to the fullest becomes a reborn quest. I only hope that one day my cd player will be the symbol of a deep relationship with my grandchildren as that old record player was for my great grandmother, Karma, and me.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Conclusion: "The Cook" Wins!

I just wanted to write about my reaction to the defeat of David Archuletta on American Idol. As an avid Idol viewer I have strong feelings for the little guy, but also to the show in general. First and foremost : Archuletta rocks my socks. He is like Daron Williams in Jr. Jazz, if you know what I'm saying. He never missed a note and his innocent smiles and huge eyes made every woman over twenty want to grab him and cradle his head into her bosom and sing lullabies. What an infant success!

However much I love Archuletta, I think that "The Cook" deserved the victory. Not only can the guy sing, but he mixed it up a bit and suprised us every week. When exactly did I fall in love and become a huge fan of "The Cook?" Two words for you, Billy Jean! It was hot! Cook's boots, however, are not. You can spot that kid comin from a block away just by the croc skin shouting at you. I am definitley a fan.

Finally, I love Simon, Paula should shut up and sit down, and Randy could read the phone book and I would be a happy camper.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Still as 14 as I Can Be

I recently moved to Salt Lake, away from a college town, and in my mind into adult world. Heaven bless was I wrong. Here is why:
  • There are no decorations on the walls
  • We don't have anything to put our tiny TV on
  • The TV has no channels yet
  • My mom is three minutes away
  • I sleep on a twin bed
But really, here is the kicker, don't be jealous.
  • I have to jump into bed because my bed is on cinder blocks!
I know I am where I am supposed to be, and doing about what I am supposed to be doing, so my only conclusion is that God has a twisted sense of humor and likes to fake me out. . . "Psych!"

Monday, May 12, 2008

The Past Month

End of School-Graduating
  • Rocked my finals
  • Said goodbye to Provo for at least a year
  • Ate nothing but candy and slurped nothing but Coke
  • Kissed someone I probably shouldn't have
  • It snowed

Florida-The Warmest Ever!

  • Got tan
  • Didn't pay for any theme parks
  • Got tan
  • Ate four Mickey ice cream ears- OH MY HELLA-GOOD!
  • Got tan
  • Body surfed
  • Got tan
  • Disney is freaking MAGICAL. . .don't be a hater!

Moved to SLC Officially

  • Became a real adult
  • Losing my tan
  • Looking for a job
  • Becoming whiter by the minute
  • Freak Anna out, cuz she's not used to living with people
  • Praying brown will last
  • Doing laundry at my mom's. . .wow I am such a grown up

These are just a few highlights in the fast times of my anyone would't want to BE me is unfathomable!