Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Right on Your Lap!

Colors are fun
Megan is too!
So this is an update poem,
Just For YOU!!

Hare Krishna was quite claustrophobic
My lungs felt like I was doing aerobics
Megan was green, Sheri was blue
I thought I had a bloody nose but it just wasn't true

At parties where friends bring friends
We sometimes wish our lives would ends
Adios muchachos, later, we'll see ya. . .
with Eskimos living large in Argentina!

Class is great, especially dance
I am SUPA hot in my really tight pants
All I want is to rock your soul
but let's be honest, I am out of control

This is what I do,
I sit on you . . . right on your head
If you don't believe me,
ask the Determined Indians
who are Now Free!


Megan said...

"this is what I do..."
Love the poem.

Nachelle said...

So I just found your blog from your facebook account, cracks me up...this is the Mel I love and miss :)