Friday, January 18, 2008

Como se dice DEUSH en Espanol?

Okay, let's face it. All guys are astro-deushes. I have no idea how to spell that word, but they are. I have been receiving what we shall call "crap" for not writing as dilligently on my blog as I ought and now feel pressure to do so or die a painful and untimely death.

This subject, like so many others that remain on my rather puny mind, is not original, unique, or even that is simply consuming. Like a spark from a piece of flint that merely licks dry leaves, this subject engulfs my brain into a rapid explosion of flame. I am speaking, as I said before, of the Astro-deush. (I really wish I knew how to spell that word.)

Two of them have recently sparked in my head, and so polar opposite are they, that I don't know if I even have a normal neuron pattern of love firing in my cerebral cortex. Side note: God-what were you thinking when you created this mess? One of these AD's has the audacity to come over and chat any time he feels any inclination and then simply spews out the list of hotties he wouldn't mind getting to know. MMMhmm. The second has and will continue to break this little heart of mine...but man AD #2 can sure kiss.

All the rest of the Astro-deushes are not even close to worth getting to know, so it looks like my mind will be engulfed in the misery of flames forever!


Anna said...

I think that I must attract all astro-dueshes into my life. Because I cant seem to meet a guy who isn't a qualifier for that title.
Damn them all.

gurrbonzo said...

NO NO NO. Language of faith, ladies. All you gotta do is get the astro-douches out of your life. ADB! Astro-Douche Begone! Visit for advice from a genius.